How to Hygge in the Summer

When we picture Hygge, our minds are often filled with images of cold nights sitting close to the fire, the warmth of hot chocolate in hand, the smell of cookies baking in the oven, and a board game on the coffee table, all lit by a tapered candle. This image of Hygge has become famous over the years as a way to embrace and maximize joy and comfort, especially in colder months. The now well-known book ‘The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish Way to Live Well’ has been something of a special book for me and my design work, always trying to ask “Is there a way to make this cozier, more inviting…”, and routinely find myself flipping through the pages for inspiration. But as the weather warms and we are drawn away from fires and (for some) hot beverages, I find myself wondering what the author Meik Wiking has to say about Hygge in summer. Canada and Denmark share many things in common whether it be the drastic weather or the appreciation for comfort and coziness, so join us as we learn how to Hygge in summer.

Being Outdoors

After being inside for many months it doesn’t take a lot of convincing to get Canadians outside to enjoy the warmer weather. Though Wiking first suggests apple picking as a great outside activity to enjoy in the south of Denmark, sadly our apple season is a little later in the fall, but that doesn’t mean the core (sorry the pun was right there) aspects of the activity can’t hold true. Think of analog activities like long walks and hikes, maybe even flower picking. This is the mindset of summer, long grass blowing in the warm breeze.

Throw a barbeque for family and friends

Growing up in the suburbs, nothing feels more like summer than the smell of cheeseburgers on the barbeque. I would spend hours in the backyard waiting for the fateful “dinner!” yell. There’s something magical about sitting outside at the beginning of the golden hour, deciding your burger toppings as you enjoy the company. Don’t have a barbeque or a backyard? Don’t worry, it really just comes down to good food and good friends, even if it’s in a park or a restaurant patio. Take advantage of good company and have your meals outside, under that perfect golden glow.

Join or build a community garden

The element of community is such a strong aspect of Hygge at any time of year. Feeling like you’re apart of something and having people to connect with is such a necessary aspect of human life. Here in Toronto, we have the luxury of a busy neighbourhood where there are always events and clubs you can join. It’s been on my bucket list to join a pick-up soccer game, this would be the perfect time to try! If sporting isn’t your thing, even joining a community garden to engage and visit regularly is an act of kindness to yourself, growing your own food and connecting with the other patrons of the tiny farm might be a great way to meet new people in your community.

Picnics by the beach 

It is often forgotten that we too have beaches in Canada. Though we are known for our cold winters and large polar bears we in fact have some great spots to sit by the lake and enjoy the views. Though some have the luxury of beautiful cottages up north, we like to take advantage of closer pursuits like the famous Toronto area “The Beaches” or take a weekend trip to Lake Eerie for some beautiful sunsets. Whatever your plans, packing some local fair of fruits, vegetables, bread and cheese is the perfect picnic to make the most of your time by the water. There’s something so lovely about spending your day idly by the lake. Wiking writes “A whole day can easily pass just in conversation, reading and enjoying the freedom of not having to do anything.”

Cargo bike around 

Though cargo bikes (bikes with a large storage compartment on the front) are less common here, I would say the bike culture is on its way to being that of Copenhagen standard here in Toronto. Biking has become its own season here, and though the city is still trying to figure out how to manage this newfound love of two wheels it does create a magical moment of hygge in your day. Being present and connected in your body as you ride through the city streets is something of a wonder on a Saturday afternoon. Even a quick ride to the park to enjoy the sunshine feels like a small delight. Take the time to remember how to ride and start pedaling, you never know what adventures await you in this grand season.

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