1 Year of AHS
Happy birthday to us! We cannot believe it has officially been a year since we launched our beloved AHS, and what a year it has been. Though we started conversations about our digital studio long before 2022, bringing it to life and creating a space where we can explore our passions for Style and Interiors, challenging ourselves to grow and build something for ourselves, feels incredibly special. Today we wanted to reflect on a few favourite moments from this past year, and we are so grateful to have you on this journey with us!
What was your favourite piece from this year?
N: It is so hard to choose! Honestly through all of our shoots there have been so many funny memories and beautiful images that have come out of creating in the moment but one of my favourites I think would actually be the Art of Doing Less. This piece was hard for me to write because it meant I had to be vulnerable but I think the piece came to life because of it. I also felt the photography turned out beautifully which is always an added bonus.
S: Such a tough choice. We’ve written so many pieces in our first year, it actually feels crazy to think about what we’ve been able to create in the last twelve months. It’s a lot of content! I think my favourite pieces have been the pieces that have challenged my ability to style and create looks, predominantly using what already exists in my closet. The first one that comes to mind is Challenges to Push You Outside Your Style Comfort Zone. Part of why we created AHS was to have a space where we could consistently be creative and really the style challenge focused pieces have helped me think outside my box.
What are you most proud of?
N: I have been working on my photography a lot this past year and I think of all the different pieces we’ve done, I'm most proud of the Jewelry Stack post. It was completely impulsive using the sun to show the stacks and I think it delivered more than we could have hoped!
S: I think it’s been a year of a lot of personal growth for me and I am really proud of that. I’m specifically proud of The Single Girls Guide series because it allowed me to explore the different phases of life I was walking through authentically and honestly. From ending a relationship, enjoying time alone, thinking about dating again, to finding yourself in a new relationship, it’s been really interesting to explore the single girl lens with all these many phases in mind.
What are you dreaming of for next year?
N: In this next year of AHS I hope to continue to challenge myself to try new things. Having AHS as a space to not only create but to try is really special. A lot of this environment is thanks to my incredible co-founder who’s always willing to hear my ideas, give things a go, and laugh along the way.
S: I hope that we continue to challenge ourselves even more. I’d specifically like to take a crack at some photography, if not only to support Nicole who currently does an incredible job on all of our photos. I’m so grateful to work with such a good friend, creative and business mind. I can’t wait to see all that we’re able to accomplish in this next year. Stay tuned!
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